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A Better Life
Yellow's purpose is to make life better for everyday African households. We use technology to meet basic needs.

For her entire life Alineti Solomon has relied on candles for light at night. With no power to light her home or charge a device it was tough for her family to develop themselves. 600 million people in Africa share this fate.
Energy is the Foundation
When Alineti met Mike Mapala, the Yellow Entrepreneur in her home village, Santhe, Mike offered her a lottery ticket: a solar system to be paid in instalments, at the same monthly spend as candles were costing her.

Life began to get better for Alineti's family the moment they had power at home, but this was just the start. Mike told Alineti that with a strong payment track record she would qualify for more. Within a year Alineti had paid off the solar, and was offered a financed smartphone.

Digital services offer Alineti's family the opportunity to leap forward. Going forward they will transition from a reliance on what is available locally to accessing the best in the world. For education, health care, entertainment, retail and income-generating opportunities, the internet holds the key to a Better Life for the Solomons. Yellow is pioneering this transition.
Connected to a World of Opportunity
Life Before Yellow
Smarter than Solar
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